Tuesday, August 4, 2009

OR Tambo runs short of fuel

Johannesburg - OR Tambo International Airport has only about two days of fuel supply left, and airlines have been asked to reduce their fuel uptake, Business Day reported on Tuesday.

This is apparently because of slow delivery by Transnet and the temporary shutdown of the Natref fuel pipeline at the weekend.

"We have put steps in place to ensure we do not run out of fuel," Chris Zweigenthal, the deputy chief executive of the Airlines Association of Southern Africa, told the daily.

The global benchmark is about five-and-a-half days of fuel reserves, he said.

Dave Scagell, operations manager at Chevron Global Aviation, the managing partner co-ordinating fuel supply at OR Tambo International, said it was not the first time the airport had experienced fuel shortages.

"The main thing is to ensure that we take steps to prevent the airport running out of fuel. That is why we have asked the airlines to reduce their uplift where possible," said Scagell.

The report said airlines were asked to reduce their fuel uptake by 30% and to refuel elsewhere.


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